Devlog 1 - 7/27/23

Hey guys!

Figured now was a perfect time to make this post. We are getting back into the swing of things, working on TilesCraft again!

Currently we are working on putting the game that is here on itch, over into Unity. With the game being originally made in P5.js, there was so many limitations, and now we can address them in Unity!

Additionally, we decided to update the textures. After taking a break from the game and coming back to it, we decided that a fresh paint job was needed; and it will make the game look so much better. On top of that, we changed the block size from 32x32 to 16x16! This completely changes all the art for the the game thus far, and we have to remake the textures. Only the grass, dirt, and stone blocks were adjusted in the first image; the others were added to test out the feature below!

Today we also added in a proper TileMap! Not only does this make background blocks super simple, but makes adding new blocks and testing them out so much easier as well. But the goodness doesn't stop there. It also makes the entire expansion on the game for what we are trying to do, so much easier; and hopefully make your computer run the game better too!

So as of now, we are just getting the game caught up to where it was on the release you can play here. We're hoping to get out a update with alot of new features sometime in December, and I can't wait to show more for you!

That's gonna be all for this DevLog, but if you want to see more, come check out our discord!

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